Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Anoche sali con mis amigos...

These are some photos of a typical night out for the students of Espanole(!).

This particular night started out with a couple of drinks in the plaza area of a bar. We had, as usual, a huge group, and some of us were hungry, so a smaller group of us went to a nearby tapas restaurant.

We reconvened with the group at a nearby salsa place. Danced a little bit. Then one friend had some free entry tickets to a hoity-toity dance club in the Arts & Sciences district. We jumped in some cabs and checked it out. When we left the club at 4:30 (yeah, AM) it was PACKED. Really amazing. Fun, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're really having fun - you should stay longer; all we're getting here now is rain