Saturday, March 10, 2012

Broken Spring

It's 49 degrees outside and raining--an unlikely beginning to Spring Break 2012.  As my Spring Break goals include maximizing flannel pj time, lazy couch lounging, and catching up on reading, I'm basically in Spring Break heaven.  I'm getting closer to resolving my popcorn problem (microwave popcorn = not so healthy but oh so delicious; air popped popcorn = healthy but tasting of cardboard)--today I found an eHow article recommending I use my food processor to break down regular salt into a finer powder so it sticks the the cardboard popcorn better.

Life is ticking along.  Redbud trees are blooming and things are greening up. I even saw the first smattering of bluebonnets today on the side of the highway. I just keep breathing and thinking pretty soon everything will make sense.

1 comment:

Mary Kim said...

I need a bench like that in my life.