In my dad's attempt to beat Lance Armstrong at...well, anything...he had his fifth brain surgery this past Friday, September 16, 2011. You may recall that in May he had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor that had regrown after an initial resection the previous September. Since the second surgery this May, dad's dura (the lining of the brain) has had some trouble healing properly. The surgeon attributes this to weakened tissue, an unfortunate but not uncommon effect of radiation. Because the dura can't heal properly, Dad has suffered some leakage at his incision points. Dr. Chang has now gone in three times to try to effectively suture Dad's dura. (Disclaimer: this is all as I understand things. As I am a third grade teacher and not a brain surgeon, I may have some of these details wrong.)
This go around Dr. Chang has ordered Dad to lie supine for a total of 5 days to minimize any pressure in his brain. As you can imagine, this is not a fun way to spend 5 days, especially 5 days post brain surgery. Naturally, Dad is a trooper and willing to go to every length necessary to beat the hell out of cancer (ay). His horizontal confinement should end Wednesday (9/22/11). After that Dr. Chang will monitor the healing of Dad's incisions carefully and slowly before he gives any orders to release Dad from the ICU and/or the hospital. My dad will have to learn a whole new way of existing--at least for a little while: go slow. This really is a foreign concept to Dad, so forgive him if he seems cranky.
He will probably be a little out of phone and email commission for a while, so maybe I can try to post updates here a little more regularly so all of his fans can keep track of his progress.
Thank you in advance to everyone who checks in on him and sends love, prayers and support. He appreciates it greatly, and so do we.
Here is a photo of Dad on Friday, pre-brain surgery number 5. All smiles.
Farmers Fight.