Dr. Chang has bad news and good news. The bad news is that we have to go ahead with surgery number 4 to attempt to repair the dural leaking. The good news is Dr. Chang feels confident about the outcome of surgery number 4. This surgery, scheduled for Monday at 1:00, will include the work of a plastic surgeon. Instead of synthetic material the doctors will use a bit of vascularized tissue from Dad's right rhomboid muscle to create a flap and close the opening where the prior tumor resection surgeries have occurred. Dad says it's Aggie plastic surgery because only an Aggie would have a plastic surgeon work inside his head where no one will be able to see it.

Dad continues to get excellent care here at Medical City Dallas (by the paid staff in addition to Yolanda). In spite of their excellent care, Dad says he's seen better looking nurses in the Medical Service Corps--most of whom were "broke down army sargents". One nurse in particular is referred to as a "two-faced water buffalo". I don't know about all that, but I'm so happy to see that in addition to his appetite, dad has not lost his sense of humor. In that spirit I will leave you today with one of dad's favorite Willie Nelson jokes.
Did you hear about the duck that went into the bar and said, “You got any grapes?" And the bartender says, “No.”
So the duck leaves, and then comes back the next day and says, “You got any grapes?” The bartender said, “No.”
So the duck left, then came back the next day and said, “You got any grapes?” The bartender said, “No. I don’t have any grapes. I didn’t have any yesterday, and I didn’t have any the day before. And I won’t have none tomorrow. If you ask me again, I’m going to nail your feet to the bar.”
The duck comes back the next day, and says, “You got any nails?” The bartender says, “No.” And the duck says, “Well, you got any grapes?”