Monday, February 15, 2010

Things That Are Not Math But Still Don't Make Sense to Me

"Angelina Jolie buys Brad Pitt an $18,500 tree for Valentine's Day" the interweb tabloid says. I say, "Really?".

I bought myself $50 worth of books for my classroom at Goodwill and Half Priced Books for Valentine's Day.

I don't get it. I don't get how you have $18,000 to spend on a VALENTINE. And, if you do, how you spend it on a tree. I don't get how Hollywood freaks have more money than they know what to do with just for ...what? Being freakish? Meanwhile I work 7 days a week so I can still spend my own (limited) money to make my classroom better.

Maybe next year Angelina will consider making an $18,000 donation to room 404 in Brad's name. Shoot, I'd take $15,000 and try to not even complain.

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