Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mike, catch up!

Here a some photos taken by Mike over the last few days.

July 30, 2008

We hung around Bregenz. Of course one of the first things we did was eat lunch.

We then took a little tour of the Museum. One of the objects we saw was a object found in Hannah's backyard.

There was also an exhibit of gold including this object which was about 3ft across.

Of course then we needed another break.

Hannah enjoyed her break.

We brushed by a little culture. Don't worry none of it brushed off on us.

Eleanor and Hannah pause for a minute on the walk back home.

We watched the sun go down

Then checked out the neighbor's pool.


jim johnson said...

Hannah and Sissy (Eleanor), two fabulous babes!

Great photos Mike.

Sorry we missed the Skype session.

Tell David that the Cowboys have players named Pacman, Tank and the Barbarian. Sounds like a video game, not a football team.

Love to all.

tévez sofía adams said...

sounds like a true vacation....
eating...exploring....eating again.

love it!